Town Council was established in 1996, Walmer Parish Council as it was initially
named was founded to administrate the local area of Walmer. The Parish Council
was formed of fifteen Councillors and several council officers. In 2021 the
Council successfully applied to change the style of the Council from Walmer
Parish Council to Walmer Town Council. Currently the Town Council consists of
fifteen council members and three council officers, Town Clerk- Roland Aldred
and two administration officers.
The Council, its committees and working groups all meet regularly to discuss matters of interest to local residents, future plans for the parish and the wellbeing of its populace. Details of agendas and minutes of meetings can be found on this site under the committee heading, along with general information about the work of the Town Council.
If you have a query then please write to the Town Clerk or one of our councillors. Agendas for all meetings are posted on our website 3 days before the meeting. Members of the public are welcome at meetings and are given the opportunity to speak.
Under the new ethical framework introduced by the Localism Act 2011, every District, Town and Parish Council is required to publish Declaration of Pecuniary Interest online